When you think about how to be more effective at marketing, do you think about how to make referrals an important part of your plan? Using your own business, you will identify your strengths and confront any personal obstacles you may with regard to marketing. We facilitate you in building a targeted list of potential customers and referral sources. You will learn specific strategies for promoting your business to customers and referral sources. You will measure the potential impact of your marketing efforts, and how to improve them. When you are finished with the workshop, you will have built an action plan for marketing yourself and your business.
This is a ½ day, hands-on marketing workshop for entrepreneurs, small business owners, the self-employed, and professional and personal services providers who depend mostly on referrals for business. The workshop format includes exercises and group discussion.
Instructor Bio: Evan Leepson, MBA, as a business and marketing strategist for the past 30 years, has designed and implemented successful strategic marketing plans for his clients through extensive business analysis, and market assessments. He has leveraged his expertise to generate creative and results-oriented solutions.
Evan’s consultative offerings for small business owners include: developing and implementing marketing programs; advising and coaching small business owners on marketing strategies and customer service; facilitating strategic planning efforts and conducting marketing workshops.
He recently published Critical Connections: A Step-by-Step Guide to Transform Your Business Through Referral Marketing. Critical Connections is workbook and resource guide for small businesses and professional and personal service providers.